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8SOW Publication Contents

* MUNDUS-S Series                            

* WINNING DI Series                                                        

*  LIVING BENEATH VESUVIUS                                                   


The MUNDUS-S Series

   Receive your FREE copy of THE MUNDUS-(S)ecret. To learn the secret of an astounding, if not shocking, plan to save the world, subscribe to 8SOW’s newsletter.                                          

The Mundus-S Solution

           A Plan to Change the World


    What is 'Mundus-S'?

    'Mundus' is Latin for world, humankind, nature, Earth.

    The ‘-S’ stands for Safety, Security, Stability, Sustainability, and numerous other long-sought global conditions beginning with the letter ‘s’.

    Taken together, Mundus-S is no less than a plan to save our world.

   The Mundus-S Solution is a comprehensive, global human safety and security plan; a social and sustainability blueprint for overhauling, rebuilding and balancing the current unstable, discordant, antiquated, and failing world-system model which has long since passed its prime (if ever it knew one). Mundus can and will restore balance to the currently, perilously unstable world system. Not only will Mundus stabilize the world system, thereby neutralizing the impending threat of its collapse, but it will usher in a self-perpetuating age of prosperity for all peoples. The solution offers us a second chance: the planet with a means to recover and rejuvenate, and humankind with a much needed 'reset and restart'.

   To learn more about the world-saving MUNDUS-S Solution, please cli.ck here.


eBook length: 260+ pages
​(Sale)Price: $19.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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Uncertain Future

eBook length: 120+ pages
(Sale) Price: $9.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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                        UNCERTAIN FUTURE
The Triumph or Tragedy of World Civilization

[To receive you FREE COPY of UNCERTAIN FUTURE, subscribe to 8SOW's newsletter.]

To know the future, we must know the past. Come, gaze into the crystal ball called history and you will see the past, the present, and a questionable, near future of humankind. Uncertain Future, adroitly addresses and offers an answer to the critical question: Will the human race be victorious and triumph, or will civilization collapse bringing Homo sapiens crashing down along with it?

To understand the soon coming dawn of world civilization, read UNCERTIAN FUTURE.

Mundus-S Under Fire

              MUNDUS-S UNDER FIRE

       The Great Mundus Q&A Debate

​ A proposal for a new form of world government that will support a new type of global social order is a topic demanding intense scrutiny if there ever was one. In Mundus Under Fire, the Mundus Solution is put under a microscope where it will be dissected in a hundred different ways. Tackling tough questions, this heated Q&A discourse goes a long way towards clarifying what Mundus-S is and what it is not.

You have lots of good questions.
We've got lots of good answers.
Get your questions about Mundus answered.
Get Mundus Under Fire.

To learn more about this highly controversial disclosure, please click here.

eBook Length: 120 pages
(Sale) Price: $3.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

Thank you for your support. 

Mundus Confidential


eBook length: 1000+ Pages
Price: $195.00 (USD)'

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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                         MUNDUS CONFIDENTIAL
                   Tao Mundus's Private Notebook

   For those who wanting or needing a more in-depth understanding of The Mundus-S Solution and of Tao Mundus, get Mundus Confidential.

    The writings contained in this notebook offer invaluable insight into the future developments of this world-changing plan, not to mention the reason and logic involved in deriving various components of the solution.

To learn more about the private disclosure, MUNDUS CONFIDENTIAL, please click here. 


Transition to Earth 2.0 


eBook length: 100 Pages
Price: $1,995 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks and eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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   This publication is intended primarily for global leaders, esteemed organizations and institutions, key (online) influencers worldwide, and those who need to know the plan for enacting Mundus-S .

    Your order of Enacting Mundus-S,
along with your proof of purchase receipt entitles you to a one-hour, live audio conference session with Tao Mundus.


    Soon now, we will find ourselves at the end of an old, outworn age, having to confront and deal with the travesty of our excess and precarious progress. To avoid calamity, we must transition from this current position of grave danger to a secure castle of safety; from this place of unstable weakness to one of auspicious strength; we must shift away from this old, failing, era to a new, rising, promising age.

    Enacting Mundus-S paves a forward path, a way to an evolved, new civilization, Earth 2.0 Evolution (E2E) if you will. This journey of change will deliver world civilization from the current, unstable state of hyper-competitiveness between nations, conflict, and war to a stable state of coexistence, prosperity, and peace. From the current unsustainable, perilous Era of Nationalist Conflict will emerge a safe, sustainable Age of Global Coexistence.

New Earth 8

                         NEW EARTH 8

    At once a hopeful and disconcerting vision of the future, NEW EARTH 8 is a story depicting what could come of Earth, world civilization, and humankind. Laying the groundwork for a global movement that will save our world and prevent the extinction of the human race, this is a story that must be told.
    Fiction mirroring real life, New Earth 8 could well be an actual story based on forthcoming, real events.

    In the year 2089, Earth’s overly stressed, discordant global system teeters on the brink of collapse.  Desperate to save civilization, the international community comes together, undertaking a historic initiative to planetary engineer, not Mars, but Venus. Humankind's final chance at survival depends on its proper direction and control of Venus, the planet now known as New Earth 8. Here, on New Earth 8, a plan to save humankind called Mundus-S will define the destiny of two worlds. 

To learn more about this exciting, inspiring story >Here<.

Get NEW EARTH 8 (Illustrated edition)
Length: 300+ pages
(Sale) Price: $3.95 (USD)

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Digital Kingdom

eBook Length: 440+ pages
​(Sale) Price*: $3.95 (USD

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks and eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

                   DIGITAL KINGDOM 

An introduction to the digital industry (DI)
[Notebook one of three in the WINNING DI series]

    Second to none, the digital industry (DI), the world's largest, wealthiest, and most influential industry, is the kingpin of greater industry.

Not to be confused with the information and communication technology (ICT), or the information technology (IT) industries, the digital industry is much larger in scale and scope, enveloping both ICT and IT as subsets, not to mention eight other prominent digital sectors. In the broadest sense, DI encompasses everything digital and its influence extends not only to greater industry but throughout the global socioeconomic system. DI has been called the operating system of the world.

Learn more about DIGITAL KINGDOM, and DI, the most powerful industry in the world  >Here<.   

The Keys to The Digital Kingdom


                         KEYS TO A KINGDOM

     Knowing a subject’s glossary is key to knowing the subject. Concise comprehension of a body of knowledge may be derived through a study of its glossary of terms. A glossary serves to summarize a topic while acting as an essential reference.

    Defining many of the strategic and leading-edge technologies and business concepts of the digital industry, a core understanding of the digital industry (DI) can be acquired through a review of the terms contained in this book.

    Coming to an understanding of the technology and concepts that make up DI is like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle where each puzzle piece is represented by a single term and each section of the puzzle by a category of terms. Term by term, category by category, the pieces come together, until, at last, a picture takes form, and an understanding of the larger whole takes shape.

    Learn more about THE KEYS TO THE DIGITAL KINGDOM >Here<. 


eBook Length: 110+ pages
​(Sale) Price: $3.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks and eReports are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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Kingpin Treasure Trail

eBook Length: 390+ pages
​(Sale) Price: $3.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks and eReports are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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                  KINGPIN TREASURE TRAIL
A cornucopia of clues leading to the DI Kingpin Treasure
[Notebook three of four in the WINNING DI Series]

    Picking up the study and analysis of the digital industry where Digital Kingdom, leaves off, Notebook II, Kingpin Treasure Trail offers even greater insight to DI.

   Think you have the smarts to put together the clues uncover the 'Kingpin', DI's greatest treasure? What do you say; up for a multi-trillion-dollar treasure hunt?

Learn more about KINGPIN TREASURE TRAIL,  'Here'. 


Price: $10,000,000
 (Ten Mil.lion $, USD)

    If you think, $10 mil sounds like a bit much, think again. For well less than the price of a 60 second Super Bowl ad (currently clocked @ $16M), you have a shot at a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity and the chance to go down in business history. Now, that’s a bargain if there ever was one.

To begin purchase process, please submit your request to: 

To assure that your request is properly received and processed, please include the publication's title
'KINGPIN' in your subject header.

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                 Win the Kingpin and win DI
[Notebook four of four in the WINNING DI series]

    Building on the groundwork laid in Notebooks I,  II, and III, Notebook IV, KINGPIN discusses the strategy to win the digital industry based around the killer-app/next-level platform, global mass market service 'OML5' which will become DI's central strategic point, its kingpin.

Introduction to Kingpin

For less than $30, get a taste of a Ten-Mil.lion-dollar ($2,000,000) publication.

Learn more about KINGPIN INTRO sneak peek >Here<. 


eBooklet Length: 40 pages

Price: $29.95 USD

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Living Beneath Vesuvius


These are unprecedentedly dangerous times. A precarious, uncertain future looms upon our world. Indeed, the human race is living beneath Vesuvius.

We must be ready to guard ourselves against what may well lie ahead. We need protection.

In response to surmounting existential threats, the APS Safety System serves as a critical line of defense.

APS’ stands for:

A: Aware/Alert-Acknowledge-Assess

P: Plan-Prepare-Provision

S: Secure-Shelter-Sustain-Survive

Step-by-step, task-by-task, the active, checklist approach towards disaster preparation presented in this emergency survival guide gets you ready to live through this unprecedently perilous time, a period that many have begun calling The Age of Catastrophe.

eBook Length: 180+ pages
​(Sale) Price: $4.95 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks and eReports are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.
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Golden Eggs


eBook length: 120 pages
​(Sale) Price: $1,995.00 (USD)

Please note, all sales (including European sales) on digital eBooks are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE.

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Golden Investment Opportunities
from the Mind of Mundus

Golden Eggs is a catalog of lucrative business concepts from the mind of Mundus.

The catalog is intended principally for investors; corporate VCs, companies seeking to expand their product lines, personal investors, VCs, AIs, and the like.

Always on the lookout for good opportunities and to diversify their portfolio, the mindful investor will find in the ideation listing hereafter a veritable goldmine profitable possibilities. Your Golden Egg features over one hundred highly lucrative business venture concepts in which to invest.

Learn more about GOLDEN EGGS investment opportunities >Here<.
