To Save Our World, tell your world about 8SOW

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                               ~ CONTENTS ~

* ABOUT 8SOW          

    • 8SOW's Vision

    • '8SOW', a Social Enterprise  

    • 8SOW's Origin Story

    • The Meaning of 8SOW

    • The Hard Truth

    • 8SOW's Mission

    • The 8SOW Community   



                          8SOW's Vision

    8sow'S dream is one of a safe, abundant, perpertually sustainable world; secure, prosperous, and at peace. The vision of world where human safety, global security, planetary well-being, sustainable prosperity, and inclusive coexistence is inherent to all.

     '8SOW', a Social Enterprise


    8SOW ( /āt sō/ * 'SOW', sounds like 'so', and rhymes with 'glow' and 'know') is a social enterprise, a benefit company advocating peaceful social transformation towards a new, improved, better world - 'Earth 2.0'.  

    Applying a systems science approach to correct global imbalance, 8SOW’s comprehensive, integrated plan, called Mundus-S, will prevent global collapse while engendering global safety, security, and long-term, sustainable prosperity.

    As a social enterprise, 8SOW endeavors to embetter the world while operating an income generating business. Most financial gains realized are used to fund 8SOW and Mundus-S educational awareness, research efforts, and this website including the 8SOW Society.

    8SOW is unaffiliated with any government organization.

                           8SOW's Origin Story


   Countries are on the verge of war over vital economic resources that are growing scarcer by the day. The global economy is a debt bomb bubble ready to burst. We are quickly running out of energy. We are running out of food and water. We are running out of time.    

   'I know, the world has its problems', you may be thinking, 'but things will work themselves out. Anything that doesn't work itself out, will be solved by the marvels of modern science and technology. Eventually, everything is going to be alright'.

    Encouraging thoughts, but sadly they are little more than wishful thinking. We are confronted with a problem that will not simply resolve itself on its own. The belief that in the end everything is going to work out is a grand delusion.

    No, the world is not safe, the world is not secure, the world is not stable, everything is not alright. Too often, science and technology create even more dangerous problems than they solve; furthermore science and technology cannot solve social problems. Things are not working themselves out; the human condition and the state of the world are getting worse. Dancing precariously on the edge, civilization is on the brink of collapse.

      I was destroyed that day I awoke from the dream which had for so long provided consoling comfort and calm. ‘The grand delusion’ – the belief that the world is stable, safe and for always will be - had been shattered.

    Growing global conflict between nations, economic instability, environmental destruction, disease, social unrest; for near as long as I can remember, a seemingly never-ending stream of disconcerting information, sights, and sounds had bombarded my senses. No longer able to deny the reality, I was forced to confront the harsh truth that things were not alright, that much was wrong with the world, dangerously wrong.

    A disconcerting thought blared through my mind, ‘Humankind is in big trouble. Not only is the current way of the world failing badly, it is quickly leading us to catastrophic collapse. A new global model is desperately needed. If something transformative is not done, we are not going to make it; world civilization, perhaps even the human race itself, is going to meet its end.’

    A rude awakening, indeed.

    Having finally seen through the grand delusion that all would be well, I was compelled to action. I pledged to do some-  thing about our dire predicament. ‘No, I will not stand idly by and watch this vibrant civilization, this life-giving planet, all these glorious peoples fall to ruin and lost to the abyss of catastrophe. No.’ Years were spent earnestly studying of the world’s most serious problems, all the while seeking solutions. Slowly an answer emerged, an understanding that became The Mundus-S Solution. Offering a means of achieving global safety, sustainability, prosperity, and coexistence (i.e., relative world peace); to date, The Mundus Safety Solution offers the most comprehensive, and the only end-to-end solution, to the world's most serious problems. Mundus is nothing short of a deft, full-fledged plan to save the world.

    8SOW was founded to make the Mundus-S Solution known to the world and to put it forth for consideration as a security plan against world system collapse.

             The Meaning of '8SOW'

'8'. Symbolically speaking, the numeral '8' signifies balance, new beginnings, prosperity, and infinity. Eight is a very optomistic, hopeful number endowed with numerous positive meanings. '8' is also the numerical, symbolic representation of the Mundus-S Solution, a plan for planetary safety.

The '8S' in 8SOW stands for:
     1. Safeguard Our World
     2. Sustain Our World
     3. Secure Our World
     4. Stabilize Our World
     5. Steward Our World
     6. Succeed Our World
     7. Survive Our World
     8. Save Our World

SOW (pronounced, /sō/ * 'SOW', sounds like 'so', and rhymes with 'glow' and 'know')). To sow is to plant, to seed. Metaphorically, the seeds being planted here are ideas; ideas of global system safety, balance, sustainability, coexistence and more. Together we will sow the seeds to a better world, a new world.

8SOW's Mission

8SOW is on a mission to SAVE THE WORLD. 

    8SOW aims assure human safety, global security, and  planetary preservation, by restoring balance to the dangerously destabilized world system. 

    8SOW is set to accomplish its mission through:

1. Education
    Raising public awareness worldwide about the imminent dangers confronting humankind and what can be done to prevent such catostrophic events from occuring.

2. Mundus-S

    A social/economic/environmental plan intended to correct world system destabilization, Mundus-S aims to make a dangerous world safe. The plan accomplishes world restoration and safety by inverting the existing, negative self-destructive cycle of unsustainable development and social conflict with a positive, self-perpetuating cycle of conservation and coexistence.   

3. Reform

    To diligently work towards instituting reforms which support human safety, planetary sustainability, economic stability/prosperity, pluralist coexistence, and other much needed changes directed towards the preservation and advancement of world civilization. 

    To be clear, in no way, shape, or form does 8SOW.com, Tao Mundus, or the Mundus-S Solution condone the use of force or violence to achieve change, be that social, economic, political, environmental or otherwise. Any change that is to take place with respect to a global safety solution will occur as a result of legal, democratic, peaceable due process or not at all. 

    With your much needed help and support, together we will restore balance to the order and Save Our World


              THE 8SOW SOCIETY

    The 8SOW Society (8S) is made up of heroic individuals, organizations, business entities, and nations concerned for the welfare of the world and the safety of humankind. 8S is dedicated to protecting and preserving future of the planet and all its residents. One and all, 8S members want to make the world a better place; safe, secure, prosperous, sustainable, and coexistent. 

    Planters of the seeds of sustainability, cultivators of coexistence, growers of long-term prosperity; members of the 8SOW community share concern and service to the future of human race and the future precious planet Earth, our home. 

    The 8SOW community advocates peaceful planetary transformation through education, public debate, democratic process and legal procedure provided for and protected under the law.

    Be bold. Take action. Feel good, Hero. With 8SOW by your side, become​ 'A power of one’. You, yes you, can help change the world. 8SOW is the means and you are the way.

    Be a Champion. Become a member the 8SOW Society. Help Save Y/Our World.


~ Contents~

• Tao Mundus: Creator of The Mundus Solution

• Political philosophy

• Economic philosophy

• Faith/Spirituality/Theology

• Demographic profile

                       Tao Mundus           

          Creator of The Mundus-S Solution

                                           (...and much more)

     Though I am many things, and pursue numerous interests, the hats I wear most often are that of the philosopher and innovator/inventor (see, GOLDEN EGGS).

    Like yourself, I am at once an ordinary and unique individual, simple and highly complex by design. My fundamental needs, nature, and motivations are, I must say, fairly common, no doubt quite similar to yours.

​     My underlying, driving motivation is survival; humankind’s survival, planetary survival, and the survival of all those whom I hold dear…not the least of which includes my own hide (😉).

    Contrary to what some may think, I am not a gloom and doom preacher. What I am is a realist whose eyes have opened to the hard truth and real possibility of a global system collapse and the catastrophic consequences of such an event.

    Author/Creator of the Mundus-S Solution, I am the world's foremost expert on world system remodeling and restoration. 

   As you may have guessed, 'Tao Mundus' is a pen name. My actual name shall be revealed in good time.



    My sociopolitical/socioeconomic stance can be generalized as pluralist/sustainist.

    My political affiliation is nonpartisan/omnipartisan.
    Huh? Say what?
​    Yes, this dualistic disposition can be a bit confusing.

    To better understand these positions, please refer to the Mundus-S Solution.


    Economically, my beliefs are most closely aligned with what I have come to define as pluralist economics, which allows variant, competing economic systems to coexist within a mutually supportive framework. To learn more about pluralist economics, please refer to the Mundus-S Solution.


With respect to faith, what I will say for now is, I am on my own unique, spiritual journey and quest for truth.

     I respect all religions' and spiritualities' right to be and freedom of expression. I believe I echo the feelings of many when I say, 'To each their own...Live and let live...Coexist.'

    While I consider myself a decent person, I certainly am no saint by any account. Naturally flawed, by virtue of human design, yes, I am quite imperfect. Suffice to say, I have more than my share of failings, foibles, weaknesses and the like. I am working on my shortcomings; it's a day in, day out, lifelong project...you and me both, right? 😉


    My demographic data - ethnicity, culture, race, home country, background, education, and other aspects of my makeup - shall remain undisclosed, at least for the time being.
    It has been my experience that demographic profiling too often leads to pigeonholing, unnecessary biases and spurious judgments about an individual.
Just as we are all unique in our special individuality, so too are we of the same essential ilk, all engendered of one tribe, 'Humankind'. Suffice to say, in many ways, I am a lot like you, my brother, my sister, my family.

    If you wish to know better, it is suggested you read the Mundus-S Solution (and my other works). Read Mundus and you will see into my mind…even into my soul.

    For those seeking even greater insight, a more detailed biography of Tao Mundus is offered in Mundus Confidential. ​
